Student Profile

Based on data as of May 2022, the number of students enrolled in the German Language Education Program at FPBS UPI is 319.

Chart of the Number of Registered Students by Year of Enrollment

In general, students of the German Language Education Program at FPBS UPI mostly come from the West Java region. Some students come from outside West Java, such as from DKI Jakarta, Banten, Central Java, and Sumatra.

Students of the German Language Education Program FPBS UPI are in the age range of 18 to 22 years. Out of the total number of students, 233 of them are female, and 64 are male.

Chart of the Number of Registered Students by Gender


As a form of UPI's support for the improvement of the nation's human resources, various scholarships are provided for students who have financial constraints but excel academically and in student organizations. Scholarships are also awarded to students who contribute to UPI, such as those who excel in representing the alma mater in specific activities. Some scholarships are provided by partner collaborations. The availability of scholarships can enhance students' motivation to learn and reduce, or even eliminate, the financial issues they may face.

The scholarships provided for UPI students in general include:

  • Bidik Misi
  • Merit Scholarships for Underprivileged Students
  • Academic Achievement Improvement Scholarship (PPA)
  • Study Aid Scholarship (BBM)
  • Beasiswa Bantuan Penyelesaian Studi (BPS)
  • Supersemar Scholarship
  • Indonesian Bank Scholarship
  • BNI Scholarship
  • BRI Scholarship
  • etc.


Scholarships that are specifically available to students of the German Language Education Program at FPBS UPI are as follows:

  • Baden-Württemberg Stipendium (BWS)

The annual scholarship for 2-3 selected students of the German Language Education Program at FPBS UPI includes staying and participating in classes at PH Heidelberg for one semester.

  • DAAD Sommerkurs

The annual scholarship for one selected student of the German Language Education Program at FPBS UPI includes staying and participating in a German language course in a specific city in Germany for one month.

  • TU Braunschweig Sommerkurs

The annual scholarship for one selected student of the German Language Education Program at FPBS UPI includes staying and participating in a German language course in the city of Braunschweig, Germany, for one month.