
The teaching material for the German Language Education program FPBS UPI primarily focuses on enhancing language competencies. This includes the four language skills, supported by grammar and vocabulary proficiency. This, in turn, leads to the reinforcement of content in two main areas: Translation and Tourism.

German language competency courses include a series of language skills courses that are spread over semester 6, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. The lectures are inclusive with grammar and vocabulary material.

The implementation of language skill courses in this program follows the GER (Gemeinsame europäische Referenzrahmen für Sprachen) framework, known in English as CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). This framework represents an agreement among European Union countries regarding language competence reference for learning and assessment.

Based on the GER/CEFR reference, language proficiency levels are divided into six levels, namely:

A1 = Basic Level
A2 = Elementary Level
B1 = Intermediate Level
B2 = Upper-Intermediate Level
C1 = Advanced Level
C2 = Proficient Level

Proses Pembelajaran dan Sistem Penilaian

Courses Schedule

Class Schedule for Odd Semester 2023/2024

Course Syllabus