How Graduates from UPI's German Language Education Program Secure Employment

The presented graph above illustrates various approaches employed by German Language Education Programm graduates from UPI to secure employment. The data was obtained from the tracer study of the German Language Education Program at FPBS UPI in 2023, with 178 respondents who graduated within the last three years.

The graph showcases strategic methods graduates employ in their job search. The data indicates that the majority of graduates utilize the internet as their primary tool for job hunting, with a total of 106 individuals. This underscores that digital platforms have become the primary arena for seeking employment opportunities in the modern era.

On the other hand, 'through connections' is noted as an effective method, with 98 individuals opting for this approach, placing it in second position. This suggests the importance of professional networks and interpersonal relationships cultivated during the academic years in opening up job opportunities.

Creating job opportunities through the initiative of 'starting one's own business' also reflects an entrepreneurial spirit among graduates, with 18 individuals choosing this path. While conventional methods such as searching for advertisements in newspapers, magazines, and brochures are not as popular as online searches, 25 graduates still employ this method. This indicates that traditional strategies still have a place in the current job search scenario.

Furthermore, methods such as 'being contacted by companies' and 'building networks since college' are also significant strategies, each used by 33 and 41 graduates, respectively. This signifies the importance of building professional networks and reputation during the study period to enhance job prospects post-graduation.

Conversely, methods like 'through job placement or internship,' 'applying to companies without knowing available vacancies,' and 'attending job fairs/exhibitions' have lower numbers, suggesting that these methods may not be as effective as other job search strategies.

Interestingly, only one graduate secured a job through 'Contacting the Ministry of Manpower,' indicating that direct methods through the labor ministry may not be widely known or prioritized by graduates.

Overall, this graph highlights the importance of graduates' adaptability in utilizing information and communication technology (ICT) to seek employment in the current digital era, as well as the utilization of a strong network, being a crucial factor in graduates' career journeys. Additionally, this trend may also reflect changes in the job market, increasingly moving towards digitization, and the importance of personal initiatives in career development. (PP)


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